Use Intuitive Training to Boost Your Performance

You’ve heard about intuitive eating, but what about intuitive training? If your training plans regularly fail and leave you feeling bad about it, perhaps it’s time to give your intuition more credit and try a different approach.

Planning a workout schedule in advance certainly has some advantages, but it may not always match with how you’re feeling on a given day. Sometimes, you’ll feel like working out a different body part or doing a more or less intense workout than you initially planned. That’s exactly what training intuitively means. Try and listen to your body and work in sync with it and you’ll achieve great results in no time.

Intuitive training is a skill that you can practice over time. It means learning how to recognize the cues your body sends you and use them to create the most efficient workout. For people who are used to planning everything carefully, this can seem like a disaster, but a little flexibility won’t hurt anyone. The key is to complete everything that needs to be done and not use intuitive training as an excuse to skip workouts. Intuitive workouts allow you to choose which day you’ll do what regardless of what the schedule says and that feeling of freedom will make you love your trainings even more.