Use Perfect Timing to Make Exercising Your Daily Habit

If you’re fitness newbie who’s struggling to make exercising their daily habit, here’s a simple tip for you – set a time for your sweat sessions and stick to it. Scheduling your workouts in advance is the best way to develop a healthy habit for more reasons than one.

Perfect Time

In the perfect world, you would be working out at the same time every day – so try to make this world a perfect one for yourself. Figure out the time that works for you, and try not to vary from it, or consider signing up for a class where the time is already set for everyone attending.

Power of Repetition

If you set the time for your workouts, you won’t be constantly putting them off until you finally feel like working out. Good habits are developed by repetition, and repeatedly postponing your workouts for the next day won’t do you any good.

Staying Accountable

It’s ok to shift your schedule once you notice it’s not working for you and getting in the way of other plans, but not if you do it all the time. Find a way to keep yourself accountable, by keeping a journal or working out with a friend, because you’ll feel bad about blowing them off.