What Is Walking Meditation and How It Works

Walking and meditation are both described as calming and stress-free activities, but what if you combined them into one? That’s the main idea behind the mindful practice walking meditation, also known as kinhin.

If you’ve never heard of walking meditation, it’s easy to mix it up with a simple stroll in the park, but it’s everything but. Its main mission is to bring your body and mind in sync while increasing your sensitivity to the outside world.

It’s common for people to go for a walk in a meditative state after completing their sitting meditation. This is not a must, especially since many people opt for this activity since they don’t enjoy being seated while meditating.

Walking meditation can be approached in many different ways, depending on the location and your personal preferences. It’s essential to pay extra close attention to your walking and breathing technique and use them to refocus your thoughts instead of allowing your mind to wander around.

It’s common to practice walking meditation by pacing around your living room or garden, but it’s not essential to stay at home. If you’re doing it outdoors, opt for a secluded and safe place where you can enjoy your session without any distractions.