What to Eat Before Running a 5K

Photo by Keegan Evans

Whether you’re just starting out on your running journey or are a seasoned professional at this point, it’s important to prepare for even short races such as 5Ks. Stretching, drinking enough water, and getting adequate sleep can all impact your energy levels, and eating the right pre-run meal can provide the nutritional boost you need to power through the finish line with ease. If you’re looking for ideas for race-friendly snack ideas, read on to learn more about some of our favorite healthy options.


Bananas are loaded with easily digestible carbohydrates and potassium, which provide a quick energy boost and prevent muscle cramps. Plus, they’re convenient to carry and eat on the go, making them easy to throw into your bag. To stay full for longer, try eating bananas along with a bit of nut butter for some extra protein.


Oatmeal is a fantastic choice for a pre-run meal, as it’s packed with complex carbohydrates that release energy slowly, ensuring you stay fueled throughout the run. Add some sliced berries or a drizzle of honey for a sweet twist. Just remember to give yourself enough time to digest it before you hit the pavement.


This classic combo offers a balanced mix of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. The carbohydrates from the bread and jam provide quick energy, while the peanut butter adds protein for muscle repair and growth. Choose a whole or multi-grain bread for extra fiber.