What’s Banana Milk?

There are tons of dairy-milk alternatives on the market and the newest one is banana milk, a nut-free, gluten-free, vegan “milk” made from water, sunflower seeds, and bananas. Mooala Bananamilk is the only brand making this milk alternative so far, but you can create your own by blending a ripe banana with a cup of water and adding flax or chia seeds, dates, or nut butter. Is it healthy?

Is Banana Milk Healthy?

Banana milk is plant-based and in a one-cup serving, there are 60 calories, 360 milligrams of potassium, and three grams of fat. It’s also fortified with calcium. The third ingredient in Mooala’s Bananamilk is sunflower seeds which have monosaturated fats and Vitamin E. The company’s website says it tastes “like liquid banana bread,” without the tons of added sugar.

Although there are about half the calories in banana milk compared to two-percent milk, it lacks protein. There’s only one gram of protein per serving.

Banana Milk vs. Other Alternative Milks

For plant-based, dairy-free milk, soy milk has the most protein and it has the same amount of protein as two-percent milk. Oat milk has the second most protein for alternative milk while almond milk and rice milk have the same amount as banana milk. Many kinds of milk also have Vitamin D added to them, and banana milk doesn’t have any added Vitamin D. In regards to sugar, banana milk doesn’t have any added sugar and alternative milks have added cane sugar.