Why It’s Time to Get Rid of Your “Skinny Clothes”

Rack with clothing
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Most of us find ourselves holding onto clothes that simply don’t fit—”skinny clothes”. Clothes that fit us years ago which are a few sizes too small, but we refuse to get rid of them. We’ve been keeping them with the hopes that one day we will fit into them and this will motivate us to reach our fitness goals. But, this mindset just makes you feel bad about where you are in your fitness journey. Here’s why it’s time to say goodbye to skinny clothes.

Makes You Feel Bad

Tight clothes that don’t fit properly can make you feel less than and that you are not enough. It can lead to negative thoughts, which may spiral out of control.

Reinforces the Need to Be Thin

The idea behind skinny clothes is you aspire to be smaller and skinner, but not all weight loss is good and thinner isn’t always better.

Promotes Disordered Behaviors

Opening your closet and seeing skinny clothes, makes you feel bad and it can trigger disordered behaviors like restricted eating and excessive exercise.

Limits Your Ability to Be Present

Holding onto hope something will fit you later, means you’re not embracing who you are presently. It makes it hard to be happy when you’re focusing on losing weight to fit into these clothes.