Why You Should Do Yoga Barefoot

Most of us spend our days wearing some type of shoes. And there’s a good reason for that—shoes are great for many things, but not for everything. You don’t see them on people doing yoga and here’s why.

A common practice in yoga studios is to remove your shoes at the door. You can stay in socks or take them off, too, but bare feet are the best way to have a stable contact with the floor. This is essential for many standing poses. Shoes aren’t flexible enough and socks are often slippery.

Barefoot yoga is an amazing opportunity to stretch and work out the muscles in your feet and you shouldn’t miss it. This is important for supporting your arches and preventing foot pain.

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Day 1, a pose that makes you feel strong 🇫🇷 Personne ne naît fort. On le devient, petit a petit, plus ou moins brutalement. Et c’est rarement marrant sur le moment. La vie, ses blagues plus ou moins drôles, ses complications, ses leçons, ses expériences. Tout ce qui intervient, sans qu’on soit prêt.e, le moment où tu dois juste décider comme affronter cet obstacle, traverser cette étape. Alors là le yoga, alors là Tittibhasana. Parce que ouai, pour de vrai, ça aide. Savoir que le corps est prêt pour tel ou tel truc, qu’il peut encaisser ceci, se sentir fort.e dans sa carapace c’est déjà quelque chose. Cette force physique, cet ancrage il se transpose doucement sur les pensées, sur le mental, sur les réactions. C’est jamais parfait mais c’est toujours une leçon. Toujours, Et puis ces petites habitudes qui rende la vie plus douce, qui nous ramène au dedans, à ce qui est bon et juste. Pour moi c’est lire, lire un peu tous les jours pour nourrir la petite voix du dedans de nouveautés, de découvertes. Et pratiquer, bouger, peu importe comment on appelle ça, le sport, le yoga, la danse. Sentir juste qu’on crée de l’espace, qu’on s’ouvre à tous ce qui peut arriver, dehors comme dedans 🤍 🇺🇸 No one is born strong. We become, little by little, more or less brutally. And it’s rarely funny at this moment. Life, and its more or less funny jokes, lessons, experiences. Everything that comes in, without us being ready, the moment you just have to decide how to face this obstacle, to go through this stage. So there yoga, then there Tittibhasana. Because yeah, for real it helps. Knowing that the body is ready for this or that thing, that it can take this, feel strong in is already something. This physical force, this strength is gently transposed on thoughts, on the mind, on reactions. It’s never perfect but always a lesson. Always. And then, this little habits that makes life sweeter, that bring us back inside to what is good and just. For me it’s reading, reading a little everyday to nourish the little voice inside with new things and discovering. And practice, move, whatever you call it, sport, yoga, dance. Just to feel that we’re creating space, that we’re opening up

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Are there situations when you should keep your shoes on in yoga? You may want them on when you’re doing yoga outside, depending on the weather conditions. It’s absolutely possible to do yoga in shoes, although not ideal. If you’re thinking about staying in shoes because you’re self-conscious about your feet, try to get past that and accept your body because that’s one of the things yoga is good for.