You’re Not Above Distractions When it Comes to Working Out

Working out
Photo by Yilmaz Akin on Unsplash

If you’re trying to find an exercise routine but are struggling to get there, there might be an all-too-obvious culprit in the room—distractions. But even though it’s such an obvious obstacle, we don’t always realize it. Or at the very least, we don’t focus on it, and there are a handful of reasons. Nevertheless, it’s time to get it all out in the open: distractions are a major hindrance, and here’s why you might not realize it.


Sometimes we think distractions won’t get in the way because of our ego. We think we’re so above distractions and believe we’re more than capable of ignoring the people and things going on around us. But we’re not. If we’re going at getting things done with distractions, imagine how much we’d get done without them.

Hurting People’s Feelings

Another reason we avoid telling ourselves that distractions are a problem is that quite often, distractions come in the form of someone we love deeply. Whether it be a spouse, a sibling, or a parent, we often don’t want to go work out in a separate location because we think it might hurt someone else’s feelings. We worry that they’ll think we don’t want to be around them. But if you truly want to achieve your task, you should be honest with them and explain that you need your space.