3 Basic Yoga Poses for Beginners

Photo by Katee Lue on Unsplash

When you’re just starting with yoga, you may feel overwhelmed by all the positions you see other people doing. It may be fun to think that you can do a handstand one day or some of many other complicated positions, but it all starts with the basics. Here are three of the most basic yoga positions every beginner will face on day one.

Downward Facing Dog

Downward facing dog is a great position for stretching the upper body: back, arms, and chest. You do it by getting on all fours, with knees below hips and hands placed in front of shoulders. As you exhale, you start straightening your legs until they’re completely straight. Hold your weight on palms and feet.



You’re probably familiar with plank even if you’ve never done yoga. It’s a simple position that works your core. The key is to hold your back straight and hold as much as you can. Start with 30 seconds at a time and build your way up.

Upward Facing Dog

This is another position that’s great for your upper body. You start by laying on your stomach with straight legs and tops of your feet on the ground. The elbows are bent and palms placed on the floor next to the waist. As you press your hands against the floor, lift the torso and legs off the ground. Lift chest toward the ceiling, hold the shoulders back and hold for 15-30 seconds.