3 Hacks to Get the Most Out of a Simple Walk

Walking tips
Photo by Matt Flores on Unsplash

A simple walk goes a long way. Whether you’re walking as part of a scheduled workout routine or you’re just enjoying a stroll around the neighborhood, you’re reaping plenty of benefits. Here are a few hacks to help you ease into a walking routine and elevate your walks to make them even more efficient.


The good thing about walking is that it allows you to multitask. If you find it hard to squeeze exercise into your work schedule, for example, you can combine the two. If the weather is nice, make your work calls while walking. Or use that time to catch up with long-distance family and friends.

Wear Ankle and Wrist Weights

If you want to raise the level of exertion, try wearing ankle and wrist weights while walking. Opt for a pair that’s slim and convenient. Alternatively, you can wear a weighted belt. This will help you burn more calories and tighten your core muscles.

Listen to a Podcast

If you’ve exhausted all your workout playlists, try listening to a podcast. When you find something that is truly interesting to you, you won’t even notice time passing.