5 Gym Machines You Shouldn’t Use

Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash

Having access to advanced equipment is one of the main reasons to join a gym, but some of the machines you may come across are not actually that useful. Let’s take a look at five gym machines that aren’t helping your progress.

Seated Shoulder Press

All seated machines have a restrictive range of motions, and this one is a case in point. It puts unnecessary stress on the shoulders, without letting you use your hips for support. Free weights or a medicine ball are a much better alternative.

Seated Chest Fly

Seated chest fly will also place a lot of stress on the shoulder joint and the connective tissue. It’s best to avoid it all together and do a couple of raps of push-ups instead.

Seated Hip Abductor

This machine is pretty much useless since you’re not able to train your core and putting undue pressure on the spine at the same time. Using resistance bands and doing lunges will lead to much better results.

Seated Leg Extension

Instead of strengthening your legs, the majority of seated machines including this one are just putting pressure on your knee joints. Basic bodyweight squat will do a much better job helping you achieve your fitness goals than this machine.

Abdominal Machines

These machines are actually just making your abs less flat by only working your outer abs. Switch to planks, because they won’t only help you tone your abs, but your arms and back as well.