Easy Ways to Make Your Post-Workout Routine Eco-Friendly

Photo by Gary Tou on Unsplash

In case you’re trying to upgrade your workout and make it more sustainable, the easiest way to start is to make small changes in your post-workout routine and make it more eco-friendly.


Our body loses a lot of water during exercise, so it’s important to stay hydrated during and after a workout. However, keep in mind that plastic water bottles are one of the biggest contributors to plastic waste, which is why it’s best to switch to stainless steel or glass water bottles.


You know that you need clean workout clothes every time you hit the gym, but there are few ways to make your laundry routine more eco-friendly. Cut down your energy consumption by air-drying your clothes instead of using the dryer, use an eco-friendly detergent, and run the washing machine when it’s full.


In case you like snacking after a workout, try to avoid buying food or drinks that come in plastic packaging, with plastic bags or straws. Instead, adopt sustainable habits by packing homemade snacks in a reusable container.


There’s nothing better than a long hot shower after a hard workout, but try to cut your water use by shortening the showers by just a few minutes and you’ll save gallons of water.