From Olympic Athletes to Celebrities: Workouts You Need to Know

Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash

From Olympic athletes to celebrities, fitness routines vary greatly depending on personal goals and preferences. However, there are some workouts that have been tried and tested by many high-performing individuals and have proven to be highly effective. Here are the top 4 fitness routines you need to know, regardless of your fitness level.

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

This workout involves short, intense bursts of exercise followed by brief periods of rest. It’s an effective way to boost your metabolism and burn calories in a shorter amount of time. Olympic athletes like Usain Bolt have used this workout to increase their speed and endurance.


This low-impact workout focuses on building strength and flexibility while improving posture and balance. Many celebrities, including Jennifer Aniston and Kate Hudson, swear by Pilates to tone their muscles and stay lean.


This workout involves lifting heavy weights to build muscle and increase strength. Olympic weightlifters like Lasha Talakhadze have used weightlifting to set world records and win gold medals. While it’s not possible to start lifting weights like to the extent Lasha does, use this video for some inspiration and to blow your mind. If he can lift this much, you can start out with 5-pound weights!


This workout combines physical postures with breathing exercises and meditation to improve flexibility, strength, and mental clarity. Celebrities like Gisele Bundchen and Jennifer Lopez credit yoga for helping them stay in shape and reduce stress.

Regardless of which workout you choose, consistency is key. Find a routine that you enjoy and stick with it to achieve your fitness goals.