How Far Should You Step When Doing Lunges?

Curtsy lunges
Image via undrey/depositphotos

Lunges are one of the most popular exercises out there, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone does them correctly. Mistakes are pretty common when it comes to this move, and one thing that a lot of people struggle with is figuring out how far they should step when doing lunges.

The biggest mistake that people make when doing lunges is that they step too far out, in an attempt to make the exercise more effective. Big steps are recommended when it comes to this exercise, but you’ll be doing yourself more harm than good if they’re too big.

The ideal way to do it is to take a step that’s big enough to allow your knee to line up with your ankle and does not extend beyond your toes. It’s also recommended that both of your knees are at a 90-degree angle at the lowest point in the lunge, but it’s also crucial to keep your knees in line.

The main purpose of longer lunges is to emphasize the glutes, while the shorter ones can also have their benefits and do a great job targeting your quadriceps. No matter how far you’re stepping, the most important part is to maintain good posture and alignment while doing your lunges to avoid pain and potential injuries.