How to Exercise When Work Drains You

After a hard and tiring day at the office, all you want to do is to lay down onto the couch and turn on your favorite TV show, right? But, don’t do it! Instead, do an easy-to-do at home workout.

If you don’t have the time to do your exercises in the morning, a refreshing after-work workout is a must for you. Are your body and brain too tired to go to the gym? No worries, these are the three easy exercises which will pump blood into your muscles and make you feel immediately better.

It is much better to do a simple workout at home than to skip an excellent workout at the gym. Next time you are having a rough day, consider doing a home workout.

Ab Workout

You can start your workout with a simple ab exercise. Later on, you can switch to the harder ones. There are so many variations to an ab workout you can choose from: sit-ups, flat bench lying leg raise, crunches, reverse crunches, etc.

Dumbbell Workout

Simple dumbbell workout from the floor will do the job. Lay down to the floor, grab your dumbbells and feel those muscles burn.


It looks so easy, right? But in reality, that one minute feels like an eternity.