How to Pick the Perfect Physical Activity for Your Personality Type

Photo by Jeffrey F Lin on Unsplash

Making progress at the gym isn’t only about putting in an effort – it’s also about picking an activity you actually enjoy. Your personality can have a huge impact on your choice, and here are a few steps you should follow to pick an activity that fits you best.

Lone Wolf

If you’re self-motivated, have a busy schedule, or simply enjoy doing pretty much everything on your own, solo workouts are a way to go. Make your own fitness plan and hit the gym, or simply work out at wherever you feel the most comfortable.

Team Player

If you enjoy working out with others, sign up for a fitness class or give team sports a try. In addition to staying in shape, you’ll also be able to expand your social circle and make a bunch of new friends.

Perfect Balance

If you enjoy being around people during your workout – just not all the time – you can always mix things up. Work out by yourself on certain days, and practice team-based activities when you’re in the right mood.