Here’s How You Pick the Perfect Fitness Ball

Photo by mrleecanburn on Unsplash

All exercise balls look pretty much the same, but that doesn’t mean they’re the same quality. There are many things you should take into consideration before picking the perfect one. Your body type is number one. It will determine the size of the fitness ball you go with and this choice can make or break your workout.

Yoga balls come in in a wide range of sizes and you should always look for the one that fits your height. Shorter individuals usually use smaller models. For example, if you’re 5 feet or shorter, you should probably go with a 45 cm ball. Tall fitness enthusiasts, who are 6 feet or taller, should probably opt for a 75 cm ball.

This is more of a guideline than a strict rule, and there are many situations when the fitness ball you pick won’t fit your height. Your weight, length of your limbs and any back pains you might be experiencing should also be taken into consideration.

After you’ve determined the size of the stability ball you need, it’s important to try it out. The best way to do it is by sitting on the ball with your feet facing forward. Your knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle, while your thighs should be parallel or even with the floor. If everything feels right and you don’t feel like losing your balance while sitting, it’s safe to make a purchase and implement this new item into your workout.