Recent Yoga Video By Adriene Mishler Challenges Your Balance

Adriene Mishler from Yoga with Adriene recently shared a video titled “Yoga for Courage.” The workout mostly targets your core and challenges your balance so it’s a great choice for a yoga session after a long day at work or whenever you need your mood to be lifted.

The video begins with neck exercises we all need. The spine starts to work with a few Cat Cow positions that will make your core active. The whole 28-minute flow challenges you to stay grounded as you transition from one position to the other.

“The courage to show up. That is where it starts. Find refuge, cultivate intention, anchor in slowing down your breath, and release tension in the body. This is a 28-minute fiery breath-focused practice that invites you to the table. Nurture the body, tend to your heart, balance the brain, find strength, find stillness,” reads the video description.

With this flow, Mishler encourages everyone to step off the mat and take yoga into the world. Exercising outside where everyone can see you definitely takes some courage, so use this video to practice until you’re ready to take that next step!