Safety Guidelines You Should Follow When Trail Running This Fall

Trail running is a fun activity with a long list of benefits, but it can be pretty unpredictable—especially in the fall. If you’re thinking of heading to the mountains for a run in the next few weeks, here are a couple of safety guidelines you should keep in mind.

Check the Weather

Trail running is popular in early fall when temperatures are still mild, but you should check the weather forecast before each run. In addition to making it more difficult to run, the rain will make the trails wet and slippery, putting you at risk of falls and injuries.

Watch Your Step

Even if it’s not raining outside, it’s still important to watch your step during your runs. Trails will be covered with fallen leaves, with rocks, holes, and roots hidden underneath. You could trip at any point if you’re not being extra careful and paying close attention to your foot placement.

Pick the Right Clothing

Hunting season usually kicks off in the fall. If hunting is common in your area, make sure to stay safe by wearing brightly colored clothing. You should also remember to dress in layers because temperatures tend to change quickly once the fall arrives.