What Exactly is Iyengar Yoga

Photo by Zen Bear Yoga on Unsplash

Iyengar yoga got its name after its developer B.K.S. Iyengar, a direct disciple of yoga teacher T. Krishnamacharya. Together with Pattabhi Jois, the creator of ashtaga and vinyasa yoga, Iyengar is responsible for making yoga popular in the West today.

“Iyengar yoga comes directly from the most classical Hatha yoga tradition, but it has evolved into a very precise and clear method that is easily understood by the modern practitioner. Lots of attention is paid to the technical alignment of the poses to keep the mind drawn inwards, but also focused and connected to reality,” says Adela Serrano, a teacher at Ekhart Yoga, as quoted on their website.

Iyengar yoga emphasizes the importance of respecting your body’s boundaries. It encourages the use of props and other assistance in order to achieve balance without the risk of injuries.

The postures are practiced in a particular order to enable proper progression over time. In Iyengar yoga, poses are held longer than in vinyasa yoga, and the goal is to reach stability in every pose.

The teachers must undergo a strict three-year training before they can get a certificate. They then continue training according to standards set by Iyengar Associations around the world.